Ep. 30: The Women

CLICK HERE for the corresponding devotional in Yeshua Adored

LUKE 8:1-3

However interesting and important it is to follow the steps of Jesus through Galilee, the task of recording it all chronologically seems rather tricky. And, of course, that wasn’t the purpose of the Gospel writers. Their point of view was that of the internal, rather than the external narrative. And so we find events, teachings and parables grouped together by theme and purpose.

Nevertheless, we now find Jesus returning to Capernaum from his missionary journey, accompanied not only by the Twelve but also by loving, grateful women, who ministered to him. Among them, three are specially named.

Mary, called Magdalene, had received body and soul healing from him. Her designation as Magdalene was probably derived from her native city, Magdala, celebrated for its dyes and wools. Also in the party was Joanna (Yochani), the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward. The other is Susanna, the ‘lily.’ The names of the other loving women are not written down, except in the ‘Lamb’s Book of Life.’

This is an extract from the book, Jesus : Life and Times, available for £10 here (Finalist for Academic Book of the year at 2023 CRT awards)


Ep. 31: Mission


Ep. 29: The Harlot and the Pharisee